As most of you know May 6
th was a very scary day for a lot of us. Jim and Wendy decided to go for a ride on their
motorcycle. This is something that my parents love to do together, and have a great time doing. Well as they started heading up the canyon their route changed a bit. Instead of going for an amazing ride up the canyon they took a ride in the ambulance instead. The details of it for me are a little
sketchy since I
wasn't there at the time of the accident. But this is the story I heard for the police officer that was on the scene. As most of you know there are two stop lights at the mouth of the canyon. One that goes up into
Orem and the other one ( that is always green) goes up the canyon. Well an out of town car decided to stop at the green light that goes up to the canyon. By the time my dad was able to see what was going on it was too late. He tired to stop the bike but the bike fishtailed and hit the back
passenger side of the car and then hit the cement barricade. They were both wearing their helmets, so their heads were okay. My mom broke her pelvis, her ankle and messed up her knee. Her knee was broken and all the ligaments except for the
MCL were torn, oh and lets not forget her butt, she landed on her butt first so it was a pretty shade of purple. My dad broke 8 ribs 6 of them were broken in the front and back. He shattered his scapula and collapsed a lung, and not to mention the
bruises and the road rash. They had to put in a tube in his chest to drain some of the crap off of his lung. I cant tell you the emotions I and my siblings felt when we were told that both of our parents were injured. We have shed a thousand tears and will probably continue to shed many more. Thank you to the family that was there with us in the ER. I can't tell you what it meant to walk in there and find so much family support. THANK YOU !!!!