Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mom and Dads visit with each other.

The nurses were great and were able to let mom and dad see each other for a few minutes every couple of days. There was a time .. (which we have a video on Shad's camera) that my mom was drugged up on a little toooo many pain meds. She was bound and determined to see my dad. Well she wasn't breathing well and we needed to watch her carefully. But she didn't like the idea of not being able to see dad, so she decided that she was going to take herself.. oh boy. So she started to unplug all of her monitors and said she was going. It was so hysterical. I kept putting her finger monitor on to make sure she was getting enough oxygen and all she would do was flick it off of her finger and across the room... she wouldn't keep her oxygen on and she told Tauni to turn off everything. She had us rolling with laughter. After she had everything unplugged she wanted her princess crown that her friends brought her so she could look pretty for my dad. She looked like a crazy person that needed to be checked into the mental hospital. It was a good change to be able to laugh hysterically and to make a good situation out of a bad one.

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